Industrial Strength



Oracle biplane: Even sitting still, Sean D. Tucker’s Oracle Challenger III biplane looks awesome. Of course what the legendary aerobatic performer could do in the air is even more astounding. From the mid-70s to 2019, Sean has flown more than 1,000 performances at more than 425 airshows. Sam thought this particular view of Sean’s biplane was especially eye-catching and dramatic.

Tucker has thrilled thousands through the years behind the controls of Challenger III. One of his signature moves in the biplane was a knife-edge pass that culminated in a triple ribbon slash a few feet above the runway that drew accolades and applause.

The iconic Oracle Challenger III biplane has now been retired into a Smithsonian National Air and Space restoration hangar as of May 3, 2021. It will be reassembled there to act as a welcoming centerpiece when the “Thomas W. Haas We All Fly” general aviation exhibit opens in 2022.

This Oracle biplane lives on as a part of history, captured by Sam Lyons in this fabulous print. Buy one today!